Pre-loved uniform
Pre-loved uniform is a sustainable and cost-effective way to kit out your children for school. All our stock is clean and quality-checked. Although we rely on donations, we have plenty of stock in a wide range of sizes and styles.
Upcoming sales
Preloved Uniform Sales are on the following Fridays for the 2024/25 school year. All sales are 3-3:30pm in the school hall:
6 September 2024
8 November 2024
10 January 2025
28 February 2025
25 April 2025
6 June 2025
You can donate clean un-damaged uniform at the office in the week before each sale (no other times please)
How it works
All logo items (jumpers, cardigans, PE hoodies, bags) are £2. All non-logo items (polo shirts, trousers, shorts, dresses, skirts etc) are £1.
We also sell shoes and coats from £3, and tights/socks from 50p.
All funds from the sales go directly to supporting the school.
Cards and cash accepted (please bring small change if using cash).
Helping out!
We rely on our brilliant team of volunteers!
On each sale day, parents/carers help with the setup (2-3pm) sale (3-3:30pm) and pack up (3:30-4pm). No experience required! Set-up and pack-up require a lot of lifting, so if you are looking for a Friday afternoon workout, come along.
If you are interested, please contact clover.summers@groveparkpta.org or just come to the hall from 2pm on sale day. The more volunteers we have, the quicker and easier everything is.
Name it or lose it!
Please name everything (not just uniform, but bottles/snack pots and anything they take to school) with your child’s full name. Check every holiday that you can still read it. You can use marker pens, name stamps, stickers etc.
The lost property bin is located under the covered area outside Y2 Maple/Y1 Beech. Items in the lost property are cleared out regularly. If it's named it will be returned, if it isn’t, it will go to the pre-loved sale or to charity. Please check the lost property if you are missing something.
Stampastic - PTA partnership
If you are looking at getting a name stamp, the PTA has a relationship with Stamptastic.
By clicking on this link, you earn 15% commission for the PTA.
Also, you can have a £4.99 discount if you order the Deluxe Bundle using the PTA Code: W43JN
Summer Uniform
A logoed school jumper or cardigan (M&S Your School Uniform)
A plain white, long or short sleeved, polo shirt with a collar (no t-shirts)
A grey skirt/grey shorts or trousers/a blue gingham summer school dress
Grey/white socks
Plain black shoes/plain black smart trainers
Autumn & Winter Uniform
A logoed school jumper or cardigan (M&S Your School Uniform)
A plain white, long or short sleeved, polo shirt with a collar (no t-shirts)
A grey skirt/trousers
Grey tights
Grey/white socks
Plain black shoes/plain black smart trainers
PE Kit (Y1 - Y6)
A blue drawstring Grove Park PE bag
A plain white t-shirt
A logoed Grove Park PE hooded jumper (M&S Your School Uniform)
Plain black jogging bottoms/leggings
Black shorts
White socks
Suitable sports trainers (no plimsolls, converse, high-tops)
Book bags
Years Reception to Year 2
Logo Book Bag
Years 3 to Year 6
Logo Rucksack
Get in touch to help out!