Playground GoFundMe

A playtime plea! 

As many of you will have seen, some of the playground equipment in the main playground (and the reception playground) has been out of use for some time. This is due to an annual playground safety inspection that was completed earlier this year in which some of the equipment and surface was established to be unsafe.

Miss Davies received a letter from Jack in Year 5 - which outlined his concerns - so she asked Mr Jes, Miss Rodrigues and Miss Deborah to speak to all of the children in assembly. Jack joined them and read his letter, which all of the children agreed with... and we agree with them to! We need to repair the equipment and make the area safe for them to play on.

Safety First

Unfortunately, the costs associated with this upgrade (c. £25,000) will not be covered by the local authority, and we are looking for kind donations to cover the costs. After much hesitation we are reaching out to you for help. 

Any donation no matter how small will be appreciated and as soon as we reach each milestone we will start to pay for the individual repairs that need to be made. We will of course get three quotes for all the works and equipment needed to ensure value for money.

Our target of £25,000 will cover all of the work required with approx. £5,000 spent on the equipment repairs and approx. £20,000 on the safety surface.

Corporate donations

If you know or work for any corporation that might be willing to donate, please get in touch to discuss potential advertising opportunities.

The children at Grove Park thank you in advance for your help - they are looking forward to being able to play on the rope bridge again - hopefully in the Summer term!! We will make sure that we keep them (and you) updated :)