Help us out!

Our fundraising target 

Each year we aim to raise at least £25,000 to help the school buy the things they have set out in the wish list. The wish list is presented each year at our Annual General Meeting in September. 

As we are a registered charity you can choose to Gift Aid any donation, which gives us an additional 25% of income from donations. If you are interested in making monthly, termly or annual donations please donate here! 

 Each year, we consolidate a wish list based on the children's requests, the school's needs, and the parents' feedback. For 2023/24 our target was based on the following items:

 How did we do against our target? 

This year we have raised £22k!

Easyfundraising - we are registered! 

This means over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use Easyfundraising to shop with them. 

These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.

Get in touch to help out!