Meet the Team

Get involved! 

The PTA can only be successful when we have the support of parents, carers and our community. We are always looking for people with energy, enthusiasm and passion to help out. More than anything we need people who can roll their sleeves up, whether that is to set up an event, a clothes sale, to run something or to help out behind the scenes - we need you. 

We would also love to hear from people who are designers or social media savvy, creative, and for those well-connected people who “know someone who could probably help”. 

If you want to get involved, have some suggestions or want to give us feedback, please write to 


PTA Chair, Vice Chair and Deputy Treasurer positions are vacant. 

pLease reach ou tot any of us if you want to know more. 

Grove Park PTA Committee

PTA Chair


PTA Vice Chair


PTA Secretary

Vicky Haines

PTA Treasurer

Andrew Skipper


Clover Summers

Comms & Website

Adriana Laguna


Lizzie Donnelly

Food & Drinks 

Fredrik Edlund

Events Coordinator

Michelle Louisor

Community & Sponsorships


Deputy Treasurer


Key PTA Member 


The PTA is structured around functions listed above, and also includes all the class reps

Our Class Reps play a significant role in helping to promote and support our events, but we are always looking for help in other ways!




Chestnut - Lucy, Elli

Willow - Slochna

Year 1 

Holly -  Sam

Beech - Charlotte, Aga

Year 2

Maple -   Deb, Giorgia, Atsumi

Cedar - Pete

Year 3

Hazel - Claudia, Duygu

Aspen - Alice, Ruth

Year 4

Pine - Kajsa

Birch - Suzy

Year 5

Sycamore - Mouaz, Hiba

Hawthorn - Cat Lunn

Year 6

Elder - Claudia

Oak - Alice

Contact us to help out!